Friday, October 30, 2009

Selling yourself / Becoming more Enterprising- Need of Personal Branding through Social Media .... (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google, MySpace)

Have you ever thought of most possible ways of getting a job? think once... or may be twice too since time is changing every now & than and things are changing too... earlier, things were very traditional and straight.. however due to over educated population all around ..... the same simple concept is on toss.... "High Supply and Less demand" .... to battle up with this kind of situation Top consulting firms or MNCs have tighten up their hiring strategy which is as good as Charles Darwin's "Survival of the Fittest" ..... the one who will justify all the needs and conditions based on the company's profitability will get a job or else will go for Fishing :)

These changing hiring strategies could also demands multiple roles in a same resume with same or less salary or may be multiple responsibilities to be executed within the same working hours  ..... bottom line is that "Multitasking is in Demand!... "

Now, after understanding the above scenario ... let's get back to our main subject ...How to sell yourself creatively..? or Need of becoming more Enterprising ....?

Having your resume posted in several job boards like; Monster, Naukari, Dice etc. wouldn't identify you much more like an active or passive job seeker since posting a resume on one of the pay boards limits who can search the resume to only those who pay heavily for a user license. Also, Users spend a lot of time posting thier resumes to each of the job boards...

Now the time demands to think out of box in a more creative way where your profile is accessible to potential  employers without any heavy cost.. or may be with no cost.. thus there is a need to be associated with others, become more accessible to others ... in a simple way there is a need of Networking with like minded people.. Now a days, Social Media has emerged as one of the most favouraite platform for any kind of networking whether it is based on Personal level or enterprise level...  The active job seekers can utilize this platform in more efficient way to get more out of it....

if we discuss the latest developments in any industry, social media is a prime target for everybody, here we would specificially discuss about IT Staffing industry...  for an example..

Facebook is continuing to add more job related content and users can add their job history to their Facebook profile. ResuWe allows it's users to have their Facebook friends comment and make recommendations on their resume. ResuWe also allows it's users the ability to tweet their resume and have a vanity ResuWe URL which will allow user's resumes to be searched and viewed via the Open Web.

following the same path Google has also announced last week that they struck a deal with Twitter to include real-time tweets in Google's search results. Even passive job seekers are actively creating thier profiles and putting all thier work experience in a hope to get more better oppourtunity someday or the other..

With a 9.8% unemployment rate (US BLS September, 2009) and a slowly improving economy, workers unhappy with their current job may still be hesitant to actively start looking for a new position. This information, coupled with more and more companies spending money on technologies involving open web searches to find passive candidates, are reasons why to be a passive job seeker.

And for all the job seekers i would revise the same comment by Seth Godin on Personal Branding....

"I think if you're remarkable, amazing or just plain spectacular, you probably shouldn't have a resume at all" However what you must have in you are; Humbleness, Positive attitude and a deep sense of cooperation.

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